Emotional Wellness

Emotional wellness is coping effectively with life and creating satisfying relationships. We practice emotional wellness when we work to understand ourselves and cope with the challenges life can bring. The ability to acknowledge and share feelings of anger, fear, sadness or stress; hope, love, joy, and happiness in a productive manner contributes to our Emotional Wellness.

General Tips for Emotional Wellness

  • Tune in to your thoughts and feelings
  • Cultivate a mindful attitude
  • Seek and provide support
  • Learn and practice time management skills
  • Practice stress management techniques, mindfulness
  • Research resources for generalized anxiety
  • Accept and forgive yourself
  • Align work and life activities with your personal beliefs and values
  • Monitor for signs of burnout
  • Identify what helps you bounce back when things don’t go as planned.

For more guidance and coaching regarding any of these tips, please review the resources below.

Resources for All

Mindfulness Challenge Videos

Mindfulness Challenge - Day 1
Mindfulness Challenge - Day 2
Mindfulness Challenge - Day 3
Mindfulness Challenge - Day 4
Mindfulness Challenge - Day 5


Student Resources

Employee Resources